On the Move
February 2018: On the road to Stockholm. After setting up a 5 year participatory arts program for elderly people with dementia in Mackay, Sarina,Gladstone, Longreach and Winton in Queensland through his company Crossroad Arts, Steve Mayer-Miller who stepped down from the company after 20 years is now on the move and has stepped up his workload to researching USA, Europe and Japan models and applying his findings to Australian settings. Photo Marty Miller
January 2019
Clare Apelt and Natalija Pearns from Lutheran Services travel up from Brisbane to join SMM in his studio at Shoal Point, to go over plans for the project Dementia Unravelled in Biloela
March 2019:
Steve speaking to members of Biloela Rotary Club about the latest developments in disability participatory arts strategies for people with dementia. His month long artists residency in Biloela begins in April supported by Lutheran Services, Dementia Aust and the Qld Govt .
February 2019
Steve leads a group of Japanese
children in a fish dance during
“Dandan tambo ni yoakashi kaeru. “ in Kobe Japan – a theatre and dance performance with people with disabilities
Members of the Peer Advisory Committee
at the Australia Council in Sydney to review
community arts and development funding
February 2019
Giving a presentation on the topic of cross-cultural
co-creation in community arts in Osaka Japan
sponsored by Tanpopo no ye.
A public forum of artists following the production
At a Co-Creation Forum in Kobe Japan. My view is that the best co-creation occurs when the power is negotiated and shared between the professional and non professional participants and where consensus occurs when most people are convinced of the merits of the decision made, not on what the artist instructs.
Feb 2019:
In Tokyo I met up with Dr Yoko Hyashi the CEO and Director of Arts Alive. The organisation works with elderly people with dementia and runs Timeslips in Art Galleries. Photo: Arts Alive
In Nagoya I made my second visit to the Gojikari Village in which a pre-school and day care centre are part of the Agedcare complex
Sharing business cards with Council delegates at the Gojikara Village for elderly people in Nagoya.
Dementia and the Arts
Judy Mazer, Clare Apelt, Natalija Pearn and Steve Mayer-Miller talk to members of Biloela Probus on the benefits of using arts with people with dementia.
Introducing Council Staff at the Biloela Art Gallery on the techniques of Timeslips for people with dementia
The Reminisce Project
Documentary Film Projects
May- June 2019
SYNESTHESIA by Mark Sheppard
Contributing towards Mental Health Open till Late photographer Sue Mayer-Miller waits in the canefield in Homebush for the motorbike riders who are part of the Black Dog Motorcycle Rally.